Friday, October 5, 2012

Elapsed Duration - ed (MS Project)

Elapsed Duration is used to schedule tasks to occur during Working and Non-Working time.

I.e. Elapsed Duration is used for a task that goes round the clock rather than just normal working hours.


For e.g. Assume there are two tasks – Pour Plaster and Remove Plaster. If so, there must be a task “Wait to Dry Plaster”. This task will have elapsed duration as the plaster will dry over a range of days, whether they are working or non-working. Thus if the plaster takes 48 Hrs to cure than you can enter it’s duration as “2ed”.


Hope this helps.


Arun Manglick
Project Manager (PMP, CSM)












8/80 Rule - MS Project

What is the 8/80 Rule?

The 8/80 rule is used as a reminder to project managers to limit the size of WBS work packages.  Following these guidelines will prevent micro management or the creation of work packages that become too large to manage.

Work packages should be:

  • No smaller than 8 hours
  • No larger than 80 hours, and
  • Between 1 and 10 days in duration

This rule suggests that task durations between 8 hrs and 80 hrs are generally sized about right. Tasks shorter than one day might be too granular or task longer than 2 weeks might be too long to manage properly.


Well there are many legitimate reasons to break this rule, but for most tasks it’s worth considering.


Hope this helps.


Arun Manglick
Project Manager (PMP, CSM)