MS Project:
1. What is elapsed duration?
2. What is difference between Manually Scheduled Tasks and Auto Scheduled tasks?
3. What is 8/80 rule?
4. Using Calendar
a. How do you set up partial working time for a resource, such as a portion of a day? (Pg 65)
b. How will you set work schedule for a resource such as - 4 days 10 hours per week, 10 hours per day? (Pg 65)
5. How many Type of Resources exists? (Work – People & Equipment, Cost & Material)
6. How do you setup Cost Resource? (Pg 67)
7. How do you apply cost resource to a Task? (Pg 88)
8. What is Event Driven Scheduling? (Pg 83)
9. What are different levels of Tracking ? (pg 124)
10. How many baselines can be present? (First one is called ‘Baseline’ and rest are ‘Baseline 1 to Baseline 10’) - Total 11 Baseline.
11. When should you baseline? (Before you enter actual)
12. What are Back-loaded tasks? (Pg 136)
13. What happens when you enter actual values for task in below cases: (Pg 132)
a. When you enter a task’s actual start date, Project moves the scheduled start date to match the actual start date.
b. When you enter a task’s actual finish date, Project moves the scheduled finish date to match the actual finish date and sets the task to 100% complete.
c. When you enter a task’s actual work value, Project recalculates the task’s remaining work value, if any.
d. When you enter a task’s actual duration, if it is less than the scheduled duration, Project subtracts the actual duration from the scheduled duration to determine the remaining duration.
e. When you enter a task’s actual duration, if it is equal to the scheduled duration, Project sets the task to 100% complete.
f. When you enter a task’s actual duration, if it is longer than the scheduled duration, Project adjusts the scheduled duration to match the actual duration and sets the task to 100% complete.
14. What are different Tasks Relationships? (Pg 142) - Finish-To-Finish, Finish-To-Start, Start-To-Start, Start-To-Finish
15. What are techniques to fine tune tasks relationships? Pg – 147 – Two ways – First is , keeping start to start and second is entering lead times wherever appropriate.
16. What are different types of Tasks Constraints? (Flexible [ASAP, ALAP], Semi-Flexible(SNET,SNLT,FNET,FNLT] and Inflexible[MSO, MFO])
17. Can you set constraints on Manually scheduled tasks? (Pg 152)(Cannot)
18. How can you force to honor the relationships over task constraint? (Pg 152)
19. How do you split a task? (Pg-153)
20. Can a task be split in multiple sections? (Yes)
21. How do create/adjust different working time for a individual tasks? (Pg 155)
22. Which calendar is applied for a task that have both Task Calendar and resource assignment? (Pg 155)
Two possible cases:
A. If there is any common working time between two calendars, Resource Calendar takes precedence over Task Calendar and project is scheduled accordingly. E.g.
Task Calendar (3 Days) - Mon, Tue, Wed - Working
Resource Calendar (Only One Day) - Wed - Working
Then any task of just 5 days will take five elapsed weeks to complete this task, as one week has only one common working day I.e. Wed.
However you can choose to ignore Resource calendar over Task Calendar.
A. If there is nothing common working time between two calendars - Then Resource Calendar gets overwritten by Task Calendar, by showing below dialog.
1. Can you choose to ignore resource calendar while assigning Base Calendar to a task? (Pg 155)
2. What are different Tasks Type? (Fixed Unit, Fixed Durations and Fixed Work) (Pg 158)
3. What is default Task Type? (Fixed Units) (Pg 158)
4. Note: You cannot turn-off ‘Even Driven Scheduling’ for a Fixed Work Task. (Pg 158)
5. What is ‘Peak Units’ compared to Assignment Units? (Pg 159) (This works with Fixed Duration Tasks. Increasing the work increase the Peak Units rather than Assignment Units)
6. What is fixed cost task? (Pg 165) (Thru Task Sheet -> Cost Table)
7. How to set up ‘Recurring Tasks’? (Pg 167) (Insert Menu -> Recurring Task)
8. How to configure – Tasks are critical if slack is less than or equal to 2 days, instead of zero days? (Pg 172)
9. What is Inactivating Task? (Pg 175)
10. What is the impact on successor task after Inactivating a Task?
11. Using Resource Sheet
i. How do you setup a resource’s availablity to apply different at different times? (E.g. First Week 100%, 2nd Week 200% and 3rd Week onwards again 100%) (Pg 179) (Ans: Using Resource Sheet)
ii. How to set up multiple pay rates for a resource? (Pg 183) (Ans: Using Resource Sheet)
iii. How to set up multiple pay rates for a resource at different times? (Ans: Using Resource Sheet)
iv. What is ‘Cost Per Use’? (Pg 185) (Ans: Using Resource Sheet)
12. Using Resource Usage
a. How to verify resource capacity per day, week & month? (Pg 201)
13. What are different states of Resource Allocation? Pg 212 (Under Allocated, Fully Allocated, Over Allocated)
14. Does different states of Resource Allocation applies to Cost & Material resources? (No)
15. What is the use of ‘Next Overallocation’ button? (Pg 216)
16. What are different ways of Resource Leveling? (Manual - Pg 217 & Auto – Pg 220)?
17. How you do grouping in MS Project? (Pg 238)
18. What is ‘TimePhased Actuals’? (Pg 257) – Tracking Work By Time Period – Most Detailed Level of Tracking Progress.
19. What is the difference between Baseline and ‘Interim Plans’? (Pg – 262)
20. What are different ways to update actual work values for a task, which has multiple resources assigned? (Pg 263)
21. How to enter Project Cost Manually/ (Pg 269)
22. How do you reschedule incomplete work? (Pg – 274)
a. If the task does not have any actual work recorded for it prior to the rescheduled date and does not have a constraint applied, the entire task is rescheduled to begin after that date.
b. If the task has some actual work recorded prior to but none after the rescheduled date, the task is split so that all remaining work starts after the rescheduled date. The actual work is not affected.
c. If the task has some actual work recorded for it prior to as well as after the rescheduled date, the task is not affected.
23. How you can turn off Project’s ability to reschedule incomplete work on tasks for which any actual work has been recorded? (Pg 276)
24. What are different ways to identify tasks that have slipped from baseline? (Pg – 281)
a. Tracking Gantt
b. Detail Gantt
c. Variance Table
d. Filter for Slipping Tasks
e. Reports – Slipping Tasks etc
25. How can you quickly display Late Tasks (Tasks are late in relation to whatever status date you set)? (Pg 286)
26. How do you examine task cost and ‘Cost OverBudget’? (Pg – 288)
27. Check – Overbudget Tasks Report? (Pg – 289)
28. Check – Examining Resource Cost ? (Pg – 290)
Arun Manglick
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